I know people will say that it will only cost the city $1 Wayfinder Mosaic at Sitemillion, but who do you think is paying the other $2 million????  And still, by they way $1,000,000!!

Do me a favor drive around the City of Worcester, check out the signs that are already installed.  Let me know what you think, do you want $3 million dollars more of this??


CITY OF WORCESTER LOAN ORDER (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SIGNAGE AND WAYFINDING) ORDERED: That the sum of Three Million Dollars And No Cents ($3,000,000.00) be appropriated to Account #04C717A, Economic Development Wayfinding, to fund costs associated with citywide street signage and wayfinding improvements, including the costs incidental and related thereto, and that to meet this appropriation the City Treasurer, with the approval of the City Manager is hereby authorized to borrow the sum of Three Million Dollars And No Cents ($3,000,000.00) under and pursuant to Chapter 44, Section 7, clause (14) of the General Laws, as amended and supplemented, or any other enabling authority, and to issue bonds or notes of the City therefore. In City Council June 10, 2014 Loan Order adopted by a yea and nay vote of 11 Yeas & 0 Nays. A Copy. Attest: David J. Rushford, City ClerkPO 1650A June 13, 2014 PO 1650A June 13, 2014