Although the Telegram social media blackout on his columns continues, today is a must read.  


At the Worcester Herald we have been saying for years that City Government has a core mission and does not belong in non-core businesses:

  1. Hospitals  (no longer in)
  2. Nursing Homes  (no longer in)
  3. Airports (no longer in)
  4. Subsidizing the cost of affordable housing
  5. Tennis
  6. Golf
  7. Pool
  8. Convention Centers
  9. Train Stations
  10. Parking Garages

The next three businesses that we need to get out of are

  1. Golf 
  2. Convention Center
  3. Train Station

When we get out of these businesses, it does not mean that the golf course, convention center and train center will disappear.    Has the airport disappeared since we got of the airport business??  Do you think the golf course, convention center and train station will disappear, if we no longer were in these lines of business???    We also enjoy these amenities, but when it costs $2,000,000 per year in tax monies to operate these amenities then you need to get out of these businesses!!!    

How has the airport worked out so far?   If were still in the airport businesses

  1. the losses would have continued between 1,000,000 and 2,000,000
  2. JetBlue would not be at ORH
  3. CAT III would not be installed

That’s right, it is $2,000,000 per year of taxpayer monies that are needed to subsidize these three businesses.    Who knows maybe we should get out of the Parks business like they are considering in Seattle??    People need to understand that when they complain about the tax rate in  November and the ensuing tax bills, it is decisions like continuing a $2,000,000 subsidy that drives these rates.   


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