Many people remember when we use to be in the airport business, before we sold the airport to Massport. How has that worked out?
Not only do we not lose $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 per year with no commercial service, but we have a great airline in JetBlue that flies daily to Orlando and Fort Lauderdale. More service will coming when the $30,000,000 investment into a CAT III Landing system is complete. That was 30 MILLION DOLLARS, let us say that again –30 MILLION DOLLARS, something the City of Worcester never would have been able to do, if they still owned the airport.
Do you remember when we use to be in the nursing home and hospital business?
We can think of four more businesses the City of Worcester needs to depart and we will talk about them here over the next several weeks. Lets hope this upcoming election that this becomes a topic of discussion pushing important topics like food vending carts to the back burner.
What are the four businesses? You know already what they are:
- Convention Center
- Parking Garages
- Golf courses
- Train Station
Nothing to do with this story, but an interesting video we ran across: