In the next couple of weeks Worcester will be a major player in the concert jazz world. There are two shows coming via Symply Fargone Productions that put Worcester on the cutting-edge of national jazz tours.

Davina and the Vagabonds are currently climbing the Billboard charts for good reason. This is original music that borrows from jazz, klezmer, New Orleans and vaudeville. This Minneapolis band is going places and has decided that Worcester is developing a strong jazz/blues reputation with Symply Fargone Productions. You can catch them at 8PM on Thursday, Nov 13 at Club Symply Fargone at Viva Bene for just $15 reserved.

Show number-two is one of the best Symply Fargone has been able to attract to Worcester so far. Two of The Neville Brothers along with blues great Jeff Pitchell and Texas Flood will appear all on one stage. Charles Neville, Cyril Neville along with Pitchell and company play intimate Club Symply Fargone Thursday, Nov 20 at 8PM.

Reserved seats are just $25 in advance and $30 at the door. Tickets will go fast and are on sale now at For just $20pp more you can order any regular dinner item and get free parking at Viva Bene.


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