If you try to go to a Market Basket, their own employees tell you not to go into their store and to go to another store.   After a few weeks, when the shelves are bare, Market Basket finally tells some of their workers  not to come in and others are laid off.    Tonight I now watch news coverage of employees, trust me I feel bad for them, complaining that they are not getting any hours and have no money to pay bills.

Let me get this right:

  • you are an employee of a company
  • you stand in front of the company and tell your customers not to come in
  • when they listen to you and go to another store
  • there is no work to do
  • your hours are cut or you are laid off
  • now you complain


Truth is you, the employees of Market Basket, were used in a high stakes chess game and are now are a casualty of the game.   They made a big mistake when decided to get involved in this game and allowed to be used as pawns.      At the same time I got to ask these employees, when you stand in front of your employer and tell the public to go to your competition, did you not realize that it may work and there would be no work for you????

What makes  it even worse now is that every politician running for office in Massachusetts will weigh in on this issue, when they should not but rather talk about issues that truly concern them not a private employer

I got one question to those employees losing hours or being laid off.   Artie T,  your loyal employees went to bat for you and are paying the ultimate price, why don’t you cut them a Artie T unemployment check for the next 8 weeks to show them how much you appreciate their dedication to you.