One of my thoughts for the Worcester Herald was this could be an avenue for people to get their message out.   Let me give you two examples as to how this has actually become a reality.

By now you must all know about the traffic changes at Tatnuck Square and the new lanes on Pleasant Street.   Although this has gotten extensive coverage in other media outlets, we helped Paul Gunnerson get the message out quite effectively through the Worcester Herald.   Go to the top of this page and type Tatnuck to see all the articles that he has written on these subjects.

Now consider Ron O’Clair and his videos that we have titled “Main & Wellington”.   This one video below had maybe 25 views now has 4,672 views since we put it up on the Herald   My point here is if you have an issue, a team or an interest that you want people to know about, send us information like Paul and Ron and we will be able to help.

People are interested.