20 WordPress plugins for easier sharing, better posting and a more powerful blog

There’s a saying you’ll often hear around Buffer’s content team: “There’s probably a plugin for that!” We’re often chasing new ways to work smarter, faster and more productively—and the same is true of our Buffer blog. We’re quick to grab any and all WordPress plugins that can give the blog an Link to story

200,000+ Sign Petition To Move ‘Sad Bear’ To Better Life In Canada

Social media has dubbed Arturo, a polar bear living in an Argentinian zoo, the “world’s saddest animal” and more than 200,000 people have signed an online petition asking that he be moved to a “better life” in Canada. Photos of Arturo, 29, looking distressed and lying flat out on his stomach that Link to story

Microsoft Also Axing Nokia’s Entry Level Mobiles

Today’s big Microsoft news is that the company is cutting 18,000 jobs this year – with around two-thirds of those jobs going at the Nokia mobile making division it bought for $7.2 billion back in April. Redmond also today confirmed it would be transitioning some of the Android-based Nokia X Link to story

Ford Motor Corp Invents New Way To Shape Metal

The English Wheel is a tool, some call it a machine, that allows a sheet of metal to be formed. It requires a skilled craftsman to use it, and although it is a time-consuming process, it can create a variety of shapes and forms by stretching the metal. NASCAR uses it to create new prototypes, Link to story

Avoiding Roommate Shock, Online

Before Daniel Stompor arrived on campus last fall for his first year at Northwestern University, he went on Facebook, looking for a roommate. Although Northwestern, in Evanston, Ill., has traditionally assigned roommates to incoming students, the school recently started offering another option: Link to story

No One Is Paying Attention To The Way Wireless Companies Could Destroy Internet Freedom

Over the past few months, there’s been a lot of anger, debate, and misinformation regarding the FCC’s plans for net neutrality. Since the FCC introduced a proposal that would essentially prioritize some internet traffic over other traffic, something net neutrality advocates fear could ruin the in Link to story

This Is How Drastically Your Windows Computer Has Changed Over The Years

Think back to the early 1990s, and the computer you used in class or at work probably looks drastically different than the laptop you’re using today. We’ve come a long way from the aging, chunky monitors we used to play “The Oregon Trail” in elementary school. And, as computers have become Link to story

The top 15 smartphones you can buy right now

OK, so it usually doesn’t cost as much as a car, but a smartphone is still an important lifestyle purchase. And it will probably be at your side 24/7 (if you’re anything like us). There’s always a bit of hemming and hawing, for sure, but we’ve distilled the options down to a short list of the top Link to story

Constitutional Rights in the Digital Age

The U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision in Riley v. California held that the police must obtain a warrant before searching the cell phone of someone who has been arrested. This decision applied the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution — which prohibits “unreasonable searches and seizures” Link to story

Cellphone Users Get Their Own Sidewalk Lane But They’re Too Distracted By Their Phones To Even See It

There are bike lanes. There are slow lanes and fast lanes. And now, at least for a little while, there’s a lane for cellphone users. The lane was drawn by the folks behind a new National Geographic TV show called “Mind Over Masses,” according to Yahoo Tech’s Rob Pegoraro. The show, which was Link to story

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