In a packed house at the DCU Center on June 6th Worcester’s North HS held it’s 101st commencement ceremony. The event began at 6pm starting off with the Jr ROTC presenting the colors and a procession of over 250 students.

Valedictorian Derek Tran and Salutatorian Jenifer Bui gave speeches dispelling the myths surrounding the bad reputation of North. They and their fellow students made it their mission to remake the school’s image. They spoke of the transition from the old building to the new facility affected their lives for the positive. That change can be a good thing.

Mayor Joseph Petty spoke to the assembly and Commencement Speaker Hilda Ramirez of The Worc. Sch. Comm. spoke of being the first Latino on the Sch. Comm. and the promises for all the graduating students to succeed no matter who they are. Ten Seniors were on the Honor Roll while Thirty Six were on the Senior Secondary Honor Roll and Thirty Nine were in the National Honor Society

The North HS Chorus sang Stand By Me and the audience joined in as well. It was a memorable occasion and all the students, parents and faculty involved deserve to be very proud of their achievements.

Footage of the event shot by this writer are in the links below.

Christopher Maider- Contributing Writer 6/8/14