From the agenda 

9)   The petition seeks to create a new Article IV Section 14 to allow the conversion of existing school buildings to multi-family dwelling use in Residential and Business districts upon the grant of a Special Permit. Additionally, the petition seeks to delete the first paragraph of Article II Section 7A and inserting a new paragraph granting Special Permit Granting Authority to the Planning Board.


There are two requests:

  1. Article IV = use regulations so this would allow existing school buildings to be converted to multi-family which is not currently not allowed in this area.
  2. Article II  = planning board will be able to give special permit so you will not have to go through zoning…

If you do not have to go through zoning then you would not be subject to the dimensional requirements that zoning has (not a lawyer but 90% sure I am right on this) and will be able to build with special permit from the planning board.

It will be interesting to see the plan, since you know when must be in the works,  for this building when it goes in front of Planning Board for special permit.    Not saying this is a bad thing, but that if I was a neighbor that I would paying very close attention to all meetings on the plans and attend.

It may very easily be a great project.