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Overall 26 applications were submitted asking for $1,234,049, while the City of Worcester was awarded $616,728.  chandler nrsa kids

I was involved with the Chandler Business Group working with Common Ground/Community Healthlink asking for 17,700 to fund our summer youth program. Local kids are hired to clean the streets and sidewalks in and around Chandler Street.  It has been a great program the past 4 years, mostly funded with NRSA monies, bringing property owners and youth together. The entire request of $17,700 would go to the kids.

It was not funded.  I can not think of a better example of community, when you have local businesses working with non-profit agencies to fund a successful youth program that has a proven track history.

If you look at who was awarded monies, it is mainly non-profits and social service agencies looking to have programs or staff funded.  Not saying these are not worthy, but when you can put 17,000 of monies directly into the hands of hard -working kids who while making the neighborhood better?

Lastly I personally think any agency that has caused the City to have pay back HOME funds to HUD should not be eligible for HUD CDBG funds.