Vridian has announced their rate effective November 1st for the next three years–11.99 fixed for three years.  On the other NGRID is at 16.27, click here for their rates.

What does this mean in dollars and cents?    The first part of your bill, distribution, will not change since that is from NGRID no mater who you use for Supply.     The second part of your bill, Supply, is where you save money.

  • 11.99 times 500= 59.95 for supply with Viridian
  • 16.273 times 500 = 81.34 for supply with NGrid
  • monthly savings = 21.39
  • 6 months = 128.34

If your usage is in the 1,000 kWh range, which is more realistic, your savings double. In May, when NGrid resets their rates for the next 6 months, one of two things will happen:

  1. their rates will be higher then the 11.99 with Viridian that you are locked in with for 3 years
  2. their rates will be lower then the 11.99 and you can choose to go back to NGrid for a fee of $50.
  3. Please note COMMERCIAL accounts do not have the same $50 termination fee!!


If you would like an analysis of your bill with an estimate of savings, e-mail it to us.

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