Between my wife, daughter, brother-in-law, mother-in-law and myself, we have 10 rounds trips or 20 flights inbound and outbound with JetBlue since inception.  All outbound fights have left out of Worcester, but two inbound flights were diverted to Boston.   The first time my brother-in-law, with about 20 other people, were transported back in a Knight’s small bus where I picked him up.   The second time my wife and daughter were able to get a cab voucher with another couple, who lived on my street, and were driven directly to our house in Holden.

The common thread was that they both told me that there was no very good communication on the ground in Boston from JetBlue.  In fact my wife was waiting for a bus, when our neighbor spotted here and my daughter,  told them that could get a cab voucher, which required a minimum of four people.   Not sure if the cab voucher always available for a group of 4?    I do not understand, however, why there can not be a bus close by when this flight is diverted and passengers are bused back getting to Worcester no later then two hours  then expected.     In the event flights out of Worcester are diverted a say in advance, passengers are notified and they need to get their own transportation to Boston, while outbound diversions that happen the same day have transportation provided.

  • Is this inconvenient?  Yes!
  • Is this a pain? Yes!
  • Is this a reason not to fly out of Worcester?  No!

Eighteen great flights that have been incredibly convenient (No Traffic-No Tolls-No Tunnels).   Average round trip from house to check in waiting at gate is less then 30 minutes.  I choose to focus on the 18 great flights not the dwell on the two flights diverted to Boston, where we would have driven if JetBlue was not here in Worcester.    My point is that we would have had our own self-imposed diversion to Boston-Hartford-Providence-Manchester without JetBlue out of Worcester for all 20 flights not just 2, lets focus on supporting JetBlue, get more flights and deal with the occasional diversion knowing CAT III is coming.