Spectrum pretends to be for the suffering addict. The real truth is that they are a business, they make money off those suffering. The problem that is most glaring is the methadone program effectionitly know as “the clinic” on the streets. You can watch the zombies (patients) parade up and down Lincoln St all day. Dunkin’s McDonald’s Plaza Aztec all losing business because of the hang outs formed there. The parking lot of McDonald’s sees more fights than Madison Square Garden, enough of the insanity, it’s like giving an alcoholic a nip a day as long as they promise that’s it. EVERY methadone client uses herion as well because they are told by the others “they give us opiates, so as long as we only take them, they will keep feeding us for free” MassHealth is free to them so you the taxpayers are paying for their chosen lifestyle.

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