Over the past month there has been much discussion regarding a business that wanted a zoning break on Chandler Street.    Much has been written and many comments have been made but maybe everyone should check out these links:


  • Commercial Corridors Overlay District;   Note the date Feburary 2, 2015 from the City of Worcester website.  How anyone can say that they did not know about this???  Check out the intent of these districts:
    • Promote both redevelopment of existing buildings and new development of consistent and compatible character;
    • Encourage a mix of complementary uses;
    • Foster the development of high-quality, pedestrian-scale environments through site and building design;
    • Reduce the amount of land devoted to parking and utilize parking areas more efficiently;
    • Preserve and enhance the historical, cultural and architectural assets of the City.


Last August when 126 Chandler Street was sold all of this had been in existence for 6 months.   But according to some the Chandler Business Group, the ZBA and six councilors have no compassion and are heartless to enforce the terms outlined in the ordinance for these districts?

To which we answer is not heartless to not follow the wants and needs of the City of Worcester and stake-holders in these districts, who invested many hours and literally years, setting up these corridors??