Who is this guy? Never heard of him! Name recognition goes a long way! Doesn’t stand a chance!

These are just a few of the less colorful remarks I hear when I mention or cover the Presidential campaign of  John Albert Dummett Jr.    Mr. Dummett is not a politician.  His passion for deciding to engage in such a crazy idea stems from the same frustrations Constitutional minded Americans feel everyday.

Our country is completely off the rails when it comes to the guiding principles set down in 1787.    The majority of problems we face today have been caused by the ever expanding growth of Federal power since before WWI.   Quite literally there is a government agency for practically everything a citizen wishes to do and most of what citizens wish to do is more than likely illegal under those government agency’s statutes.

John Albert Dummett Jr. He is an American Patriot running for
President of The United States in 2016.

  • Born in Sterling Illinois in 1955.
  • Attended Coronado High School in San Diego, Ca.
  • Earned a B.A. Degree in Anthropology with a Minor inGeography and History, Magna Cum Laude.
  • Received a National Collegiate Social Science Award and is an Scholastic All American.
  • Married since 1977 and they have five children.
  • John Dummett Jr. Is a Conservative/Constitutionalist wholoves America and truly understands what needs to be done to repair the damage that has been doneto it. (From John Dummett’s Official Campaign Page)

As we see our government perform like gangsters every night on cable news Americans now seem resigned that this is ‘business as usual’ . The collusion with corporations in destroying our economy has left every city and town scarred with economic uncertainty.  Regulations meant to ‘help’ and ‘protect’  are nothing more than schemes to drive out competition, cripple small business growth and leave the architects of those schemes the only winners.   John has said in many  interviews that this is criminal and he intends to prosecute the players involved. His desire to return to Constitutional principles would also mean the wholesale dismantling of almost every agency now in Washington DC.   Not one of them is Constitutional.   Not only according to John..   But, to the Constitution!

What qualifies a President?

Today we look for ‘experience’. We should explore that for a moment.  Well, considering the roster of ‘experienced’ Presidents over the last two decades we might want to re-asses that paradigm.   George Washington never held office, nor Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Dwight D. Eisenhower.    We can all agree they all were men of some sort of political experience, war and political theories.  But, what makes a man who wishes to serve his nation any less qualified than what we have now?   At least he will SERVE this nation as he vehemently reiterates; As did our Founders. Considering what we have seen can John Albert Dummett Jr. do a WORSE job?

We hear politicians bark about returning jobs and growth and freedom, etc, etc ad-nauseum.   Then, once elected it is business as usual.   Imagine.  . Just imagine, if there was a President who made those hard choices and actually did what he said he would do?    Imagine a President who actually upheld his Oath to The Constitution?

John is not just a Conservative, he is a Constitutionalist  . Very important to understand the difference.   Just look at your own lives for a moment. Think about how you toil every day for nothing.  How about the business who has to shut their doors because the costs are too high?   You see your children in school learning absolutely nothing anymore except how NOT to get in trouble.   And, when they do a government agent threatens to take your child away from you. The Dummett policy will reverse all of that and restore Liberty (not just freedom) to our homes, our communities and our states. No agent of the government has any call under our Constitution to interfere at all in your private lives.

Under a Dummett Administration parents will have the right to decide what their children will learn.  No more Common Core.   You can keep your guns and buy as many as you want because we have the 2nd Amendment.   Welfare will not be a way of life because under a Dummett Administration the regulations that prohibit economic growth will be removed.   The socio-economic pie will no longer have to be “re-distributed” because it will grow in size and allow all Americans to earn a living  . No agent will tell you how to live, what you can build, what you can create and how you can sell… Imagine that world?….

Seems I read about it once in a history book.
