We are a locally owned company that recycles clothes. Unlike the nationally owned clothes bins that give an extremely small portion of their proceeds to the named charity on their bin, we give the money back to the local church, team/league or fraternal organization that partners with us. Churches looking for a way to provide their congregations with a platform to give conveniently and effectively may want to look into digital solutions for doing this. One such method would be to use something like Tithe.ly (https://get.tithe.ly/) as a way of receiving donations with which to grow the church or fund their charitable activities.


It is simple. We will pay you $50 per month to place a clothes bin on your property and we expect the underlying beneficiary of the monies to promote dropping clothes in this bin to their membership. Since we are locally owned, we constantly drive by to 1) empty out the clothes and 2) remove any rubbish that may have been dropped off. After 6 months one of three things will happen:


  1. There is enough clothes being dropped off in the bins and we want keep the location.
  2. Not enough clothes are being dropped off to justify the $50 per month commitment and we will remove the bin
  3. The demand is too much for one bin and we will ask to place another one and increase the monthly payment to $100


If you have a location that you think would support one of our bins and would like $600 per year going to your bottom line, please drop us an e-mail. Please note we will customize the bin with your logo and color.

References can be furnished upon request.