Way to read the report you paid for, and used as the basis for a draconian penalty, Rog pic.twitter.com/biisnOMaab
— Rich Hill (@PP_Rich_Hill) August 4, 2015
The league didn’t want this transcript released because it’s grossly apparent that the NFL has no real proof that Brady did anything, and the NFLPA did a great job of showing all of the flaws in the Exponent analysis, all of the assumptions and inferences that Wells had to make in order to come to any conclusion at all, that the rule the NFL was applying to Brady wasn’t for players to know, and that the league could not remain objective in the appeals process due to their attorney-client privilege with the “independent” investigator.
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The NFL didn’t want this transcript released and it’s very obvious why. They have nothing on Tom Brady.
Posted by PATS PULPUT on Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Source: PATS Pulpit http://patspulpit.com