People in recovery use certain words and phrases that others pick up on and know they are in recovery, here are a few example:
DETOX: used to let others know someone has gone to clean up.
REHAB: A place someone goes to get clean.
IN THE PROGRAM: a term to explain someone attends meetings.
GETTING IT: a term to let others know someone new is doing things to help stay in recovery,
WENT OUT: Used to let others know a member has gone back to using.
CLEAN: A term meaning one is drug free.
SOBER: A term meaning one has stopped drinking.
COMMITMENT: When a group goes out to a detox to talk with people about recovery.
BOOKIE: The person in charge of booking commitments for groups.
There are others but these are a few used most often, if you are in the program feel free to comment and give more and what they mean.