Indian Lake is located near the Greendale Mall in Worcester, MA and residents who live in the region are fortunate to have such a retreat in their neighborhoods.   The lake provides an area for locals to fish, take out there boats, play tennis, or enjoy some recreational areas along the body of water.   As we take advantage of this wonderful piece of local landscape we, meaning all of us, need to be careful of how we treat it, in order to preserve it for future generations.    A local group known as the Indian Lake Watershed Association has risen to become homegrown protectors of this portion of Worcester.

On the Indian Lake Watershed Association website, there is an interesting history page describing the how the lake was utilized in the past and how Sears Island was formed.    One would not have guessed that in 1848 Dr. Benjamin F. Heywood used the lake to harvest ice for local stores and restaurants, and provided this essential product for them until 1935 when the company’s facility burned down.    Also, in 1828 with the creation of a dam project that was later abandoned due to the increasing use of railways over canals, an island formed in the center of Indian Lake, which was the creation of Sears Island.   It was called Sears Island because a local real estate company bought the island from a man named Sears and then land would eventually be sold off in parcels.

The Indian Lake Watershed Association has stepped up to preserve the lake as best as they can with their members and volunteers.   The lake is drained in November until February to help manage the overgrowth and weeds that grow in the lake.   This draining helps the weeds freeze and die during the winter months so that no chemicals need to be used, which can have harmful side effects on the local plants and animals.   Also, there are clean ups scheduled where association members and volunteers go around to all of the parks and clean up the areas as best as they can.

Members meet monthly to discuss new projects that can help the lake preserve the quality of its natural habitat.    If anyone living in the area wants to join the association all that is required of him is to go to their website, click membership, and then click membership application, which can be mailed to the proper individuals.

Not many people can say that they have access to a lake that provides some level of peace and tranquility within the limits of the city of Worcester.   The people that commute a distance much be jealous of those individuals who live close to the lake.   So, it is imperative that everyone who visits the lake, local or commuter, treat it with the utmost respect.    As residents of Worcester, we want to preserve any natural resources that we have to offer so our children can enjoy them to the same degree as us.


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Written by:

Gary Placek