New Business
Public Meetings
2. 266 Chandler Street Parking Plan Approval
Zoning board parking plan for 266 Chandler Street
266 Chandler Street Special Permit:
To allow a food service drive through in a BG 4.0 (Business, General) zoning district (Article IV,
Section 2, Table 4.1, Business Use # 6) Special Permit:
To modify the parking layout with regard to the drive
through length (240 ft. required, ~103.6 ft.
provided) (Article IV, Section 7, A. 2.)
Special Permit:
For a 10% reduction in the required number of parking spaces (84 required, 80 provi
ded) (Article IV,
Section 7 A. 2.)
Present Use:
A drive
through bank
Zone Designation:
4.0 (Business, General)
Petition Purpose:
To construct a ~5,335 SF restaurant with 158 indoor seats and an outdoor seating area with 30 seats
to the west of the existing bank. Additionally, the petitioner seeks to construct an associated food
service drive through and 80 off street parking spaces (56 on site and 24 off site) along with
associated site improvements