Last week we reported that the last minutes posted for the Finance Committee was dated April 20, 2016.   We are happy to report that the site now is current.     Here is our next question,  the March 13th meeting was over two hours long, here are the minutes of the meeting:


John reviewed the DPW Budgets: Administration, Engineering, Highway Division, Mechanics Division, Buildings and Grounds and Garage Division and answered questions from the Committee.

John reviewed the W/S Enterprise Fund Budget and answered questions from the Committee.  There was discussion about the law suit against the City of Worcester.


Now look at the minutes from the most recent Selectmen’s Meeting   Keep in mind that the Selectmen’s meeting can also be watched anytime you want, since it is taped by the local access Holden Television Channel, but the Finance Committee is not?   

Either the Finance Committee needs to have minutes like the Selectmen’s meeting, or at least be televised!.



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