The past two years I have been on the Holden Finance Committee and have learned about the Town of Holden and its solid financial condition.   How solid?  Click here to read about the S & P ratings and their comments on the Town of Holden.   Pretty impressive!!

This will be my third and last year on this board and I have decided to post a couple times per month on the Holden Finance Committee through the Town Meeting next May.   My hope is people get a better understanding of the finances of the Town, like I have, and maybe someone will decide to volunteer to be on the Finance Committee.

Perhaps the easiest way to get a look at the finances/budget of the Town of Holden is to look at the Resource Profile, click here for the most recent one which was submitted at Town Meeting this past May.    There are three profiles for each year:

  • SUBMITTED:  this is the initial Resource Profile that is submitted in February for the next fiscal year by the Town Manager along with the Budget Message; for example, click here for the FY2017 Resource Profile and Budget Message that was filed February 15th of this year.
  • TOWN MEETING or 5-10-16:   this is the Resource Profile that is submitted in May at Town Meeting for the next fiscal year after working with the Finance Committee.
  • RECAP:    I believe this is usually done in November, or thereabouts, when property values are certified and the final resource profile for that fiscal year.

Looking again at this spreadsheet, you want to focus in on you want to focus in on FY15 Recap and FY16Recap, here are some hi-lights:


FY2015Recap FY2016 Recap
Total Assessed 1,883,118,500 1,976,440,200
Avg Assessed 266,093 278,326
Tax rate 18.12 17.25
Avg Tax bill 4,822 4,801
Excess Levy Capacity 253,197 2,233,560
Total Budget 43,776.894 45,257,801
Education 22,114,209 23,121,332
Municipal Budget 14,898,332 15,219,897
Debt Exclusion Expenditures 4,574,728 4,906,196


When we get the RECAP for 2017, I will add this column and the corresponding numbers.   Right now the projections are that the Assessed Value will come in at 2,015,928,204 which equates to a tax rate of 18.60.   Again we will see what that actual assessed value number is in November.

The biggest change in FY17 budget was debt exclusion expenditures of $6,122,487 as we begin to pay back the Mountview debt.