1. Microsoft to abandon the bastard child of windows phone in two month.    I used to repair computers for the elderly, many had hand me downs from their kids (buy a new , give mom the old one). I would try to explain how fast computers age, I compared owning a three old computer to owning a nine year old car. Cell phones age much faster, Windows phone is killing support to a phone released just 18 months ago.   Link.  
  2. Google, Microsoft and Instagram rush to fix Flash flaw that could steal your data.  Three years ago it was the biggest question that cell users had, when do get flash?   Everything has a price.
  3. Samsung forecasts 25% drop in profit.  Link.
  4. Tablet shipments will most likely pass PC shipments next year.  Link.
  5. Steve Jobs told Google they were doing too much stuff.  Link.
  6. 25 totally unnecessary but desirable travel applications.  Link.
  7. Get an e-mail about a new I-Phone 6?  You are being scammed.
  8. Samsung factory held hostage.  Link.


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