Editor’s note:   Hand up is better then a hand out.


Last year my Dad opend an account with Kiva.    Kiva allows you to donate money to people from all around the world. These people need money to start a business, buy supplies, renovate house, etc. Throughout the past year I have watched the small loans (as low as $25) get paid off.   Last week I deposited $100 of my own money and decided to look for 4 people whom I though had good business plans.  So, I chose a few  people to give 25 dollars to. This is a great learning experience for kids because you can see all the people who need money and choose wisely. It’s pretty cool because you can help people from Kenya to Ecuador. But the best part is they actually pay you back.

Once you create an account, go to the lend tab on the top left. From there, you will find people to donate money to. For example, check off agriculture and Armenia then all the people from Armenia who need a loan for agriculture will come up. You can even join groups and teams on Kiva too. When you have found the right person, hit the lend button and select the amount to give. After you can go to “portfolio” and that person comes up. Kiva lets you track their progress too! When they have received all the money for the loan, they can start repaying people back. Unfortunately there are no guarantees they will pay you back. But, if they don’t they cannot use Kiva again. Most of them time, this doesn’t happen because who would want to be shut off from it?

Kiva is a great way to help out people in the world. The donations help people improve themselves, and their families. My favorite part is that you can read their story, so you know all about the person you are donating to. We can all make a difference by helping out, one donation at a time.

Eslendy from Colombia. She is asking for a 2,175 dollar loan to make her tourism business better by getting uniforms, and new employees. She is 62% there. PLEASE donate to her at: http://www.kiva.org/lend/730193

Eslendy from Colombia. She is asking for a 2,175 dollar loan to make her tourism business better by getting uniforms, and new employees. She is 62% there. PLEASE donate to her at: http://www.kiva.org/lend/730193

this is Carla from Bolivia. She is asking for a $1,500 dollars to buy supplies for her hardware store, to support her family. She is 35% there. PLEASE donate to her at: http://www.kiva.org/lend/740596

this is Carla from Bolivia. She is asking for a $1,500 dollars to buy supplies for her hardware store, to support her family. She is 35% there. PLEASE donate to her at: http://www.kiva.org/lend/740596