• 5,000 views later
  • 412 Facebook likes
  • 85 followers on Twitter
  • starting to creep up Google search engines

In reality, I feel many of these social media gauges are over-rated, but 5,000 views in 10 days?   My goal right now is good local content.  If you like to write and have a passion for whatever you have a passion for, send me an e-mail.

Yes, I know that there are some errors and there editing has to be better, but give us time.  The Worcester Herald is a “work in propress” and will get better every day.   Top three additions I would like to see:

  • Colleges:   Students detailing their on-campus experiences with their thoughts on Worcester
  • Local sports: There is plenty of easily accessible information on professional teams, but not enough on local teams
  • Cannabis reporter

If you want to get information out to alot of people for free, other then your time, send me an e-mail,
